New All Organic Preservative-Free Dry Eye Drop!
EyeGanics eye drop for rewetting contact lenses and dry eyes is now available at our office. Vision Care Consultants is one of the first eyecare practices in the country to carry this new product in helping dry contact lenses and dry eyes feel moist and comfortable again. What makes EyeGanics unique is that it is the only artificial tear drop that is certified by the USDA 100% organic and 100% preservative free (PF) all in a single multi-dose bottle. This assures our patients that there are no harmful chemicals or preservatives that could contribute to their dry eye irritation. The PF multi-dose bottle holds over 240 drops making it a fraction of the cost of other PF drops on the market. Our own Dr. Dan Friederich has been involved with the research and development of Eyeganics so our patients will be the first to benefit from this new technology. Eyeganics does not require a doctor’s prescription and is available for purchase at our front desk.